Tohei Moritani's Scientific Publications
I.  Original Papers   研究論文
 22  Moritani, T., "Location of the virtual image for an underwater object observed at oblique angles," OPTICA open preprint 109374 (2023).    Link
21 Moritani, T, "Apparent Depth Observed at Oblique Angles," American Journal of Physics, Submitted on January 1, 2018.    
20 Moritani, T., “Functional Modification of Poly(vinyl alcohol) by Copolymerization: 5. Highly-Swelling Poly(vinyl alcohol) Gels”, Polymer, To be submitted.    
19 Moritani, T., “FS Type Polymer Networks Prepared by Solid Cross-Linking from Poly(vinyl alcohol-co-N-(Alkoxymethyl)-acrylamide) II. The Determination of c–Parameter from Swelling Experiment”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B, Polymer Physics Edition, To be submitted .    
18 Moritani, T., “FS Type Polymer Networks Prepared by Solid Cross-Linking from Poly(vinyl alcohol-co-N-(Alkoxymethyl)-acrylamide) I. Cross-Linking Density, Sol Fraction, Gel Point and Degree of Polymerization of Sol Molecules”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B, Polymer Physics Edition, To be submitted.    
17 Moritani, T. Yoon, Kyunghwan, and Chu, Benjamin, “DNA Capillary Electrophoresis using Poly(vinyl alcohol). II. Separation media”, Electrophoresis 2003, 24, 2772-2778.   Link
16 Moritani, T. Yoon, Kyunghwan, Rafailovich, Miriam and Chu, Benjamin, “DNA Capillary Electrophoresis using Poly(vinyl alcohol). I. Inner Capillary Coating”, Electrophoresis 2003, 24, 2764-2771..   Link
15 Moritani, T and Alvarez-Lorenzo, C., “Conformational Imprinting Effect on Stimuli-Sensitive Gels made with an “Imprinter” Monomer”, Macromolecules, 34, 7796 (2001).   Link
14 Moritani, T. and Okaya, T., “Functional Modification of Poly(vinyl alcohol) by Copolymerization: 4. Self-Crosslinkable Poly(vinyl alcohol)s”, Polymer, 39, 924 (1998).   Link
13 Moritani, T. and Yamauchi, J., “Functional Modification of Poly(vinyl alcohol) by Copolymerization: 3. Modification with Cationic Monomers”, Polymer, 39, 559 (1998).   Link
12 Moritani, T. and Yamauchi, J., “Functional Modification of Poly(vinyl alcohol) by Copolymerization: 2. Modification with a Sulfonate Monomer”, Polymer, 39, 553 (1998).   Link
11 Moritani, T. and Kajitani, K., “Functional Modification of Poly(vinyl alcohol) by Copolymerization: 1. Modification with Carboxylic Monomers”, Polymer, 38, 2933 (1997).   Link
10 Moritani, T. and Motoishi, Y., "Factors Affecting Performance of EVOH Composite Containers in Retort Applications", International Coextrusion Conference (Schotland Business Research, Inc.), Princeton, NJ, '87, 321 (1987).    
9 Ikari, K. and Moritani, T., "Recycling of EVOH-Based Composite Materials", International Coextrusion Conference, Princeton (Schotland Business Research, Inc.), NJ, '84, 289 (1984).    
8 Maruyama, H., Moritani, T., Akazawa, T. and Sato, T., "New Modifications of Poly(vinyl alcohol)s and Their Applications", British. Polymer Journal, 20, 345 (1988).    
7 Moritani, T. and Iwasaki, H., “13C-NMR Study on Sequence Distribution and Anomalous Linkage in Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers”, Macromolecules, 11, 1251 (1978).   Link
6 Moritani, T. and Fujiwara, Y., “13C- and 1H-NMR Investigations of Sequence Distribution in Vinyl Alcohol-Vinyl Acetate Copolymers”, Macromolecules, 10, 532 (1977).   Link
5 Furukawa, J., Kobayashi, E., Nagata, S. and Moritani, T., "Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy of Acrylic Monomer and Lewis Acid Complex", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Edition, 12, 1799 (1974).    
4 Moritani, T. and Fujiwara, Y., “NMR Conformational Analysis of Chain Molecules using the Local Interaction Model. 2,4-Disubstituted Pentanes”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 59, 1175 (1973).   Link
3 Moritani, T., Kuruma, I., Shibatani, K. and Fujiwara, Y., “Tacticity of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Hydroxyl Protons”, 5, 577 (1972).   Link
2 Moritani, T., Kuchitsu, K. and Morino, Y., "Molecular Structure of Phosphoryl Fluoride, Phosphoryl Chloride and Thiophosphoryl Chloride Studied by Gas Electron Diffraction", Inorganic Chemistry, 10, 344 (1971).   Link
1 Morino, Y., Kuchitsu, K. and Moritani, T., "Molecular Structure of Phosphorus Trifluoride Studied by Gas Electron Diffraction", Inorganic Chemistry, 8, 867 (1969).   Link
Web Hits

II.  Doctorate Thesis   理学博士号学位論文 東京大学 1998年               

Moritani, Tohei, "Molecular Structures and Functional Modifications of Poly(vinyl alcohol)",
The University of Tokyo, 1998.
要旨          学位論文要旨

Chap. 1 General Introduction

  Chap. 2 Methodology
Part A Molecular Structures of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Studied by Nuclear Magneic Resonance Spectroscopy
  Chap. 3 Tacticity of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Studie by NMR of Hydroxyl Proton
  Chap. 4 Sequence Distribution of Acetyl Group in Partially Hydrolyzed Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVAL-Ac)
  Chap. 5 Monomer Inversion in Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer (EVOH)
  Chap. 6 Conformational Analysis of Model Compounds for Vinyl Polymers
Part B Functional Modifications of Poly(vinyl alcohol) by Copolymerization
  Chap. 7 Modification with Carboxylic Monomers
  Chap. 8 Modification with a Sulfonate Monomer
  Chap. 9 Modification with Cationic Monomers
  Chap. 10 Self-Crosslinkable Poly(vinyl alcohol)
  Chap. 11 Analysis of Crosslinked Poly(vinyl alcohol)
  Chap. 12 Highly-Swelling Modified Poly(vinyl alcohol) Films
  Chap. 13 Conclusions


III.  Reviews  総説

Moritani, T. and Fujiwara, Y., "13C-NMR of Polymers" (in Japanese), Kagaku-Zokan 57, Kagaku-Dojin, Kyoto, 1973, p39-53.

森谷東平、藤原譲 "13C-NMRの高分子への応用” 化学増刊57, 化学同人, 京都, 1973, p39-53

1 Moritani, T. and Fujiwara, Y., "Conformation of Vinyl Polymers" (in Japanese), Kagaku-Zokan 57, Kagaku-Dojin, Kyoto, 1973, p3-38.

森谷東平、藤原譲 "ビニル高分子の立体配座” 化学増刊57, 化学同人, 京都, 1973, p3-38.


IV.  Patents   特許
120 Moritani, T.; Chu, B., “Poly(vinyl alcohol) Coated Capillaries”, US Pat. Appl. 20040170843, 2004    
119 Moritani, T. and Alvarez-Lorenzo, C. (MIT), “Novel Functional Breakable Crosslinkers and Polymer Networks Made of Functional Breakable Crosslinkers”, US Pat. Provisional patent application 60/267,900, 2001    
118 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 10-330533, 1998.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「樹脂組成物の製法」 特開平 10-3305331998


Oda, H. and Moritani, T., "Multi-layer Packaging Materials", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 10-226025, 1998; Jap. Pat. 3029820.
小田英晶、森谷東平, 「多層包装体」 特開平 10-226025, 1998;特許 3029820.
116 Itamura, S., Moritani, T., Sato, T. and Negi, T., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 10-195262, 1998.
板村純生、森谷東平、佐藤敏昭、祢宜太一「樹脂組成物」 特開平 10--195262, 1998.
115 Moritani, T., "Multi-layer Containers Made by Co-extrusion", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 10-244581, 1998; Jap. Pat. 2843558.
森谷東平「共押出多層容器」 特開平 10-244581、1998; 特許2843558.
114 Yamamoto, Y. and Moritani, T.,  "Polymer Composition for Artificial Anus Bag", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 10-101881, 1998; Jap. Pat. 309669.
山本欣生、森谷東平「組成物」特開平 10-101881, 1998;特許 309669.
113 Moritani, T. Motoishi, Y., Fukutome, S. and Oda, H., “Multi-Layer Packaging Material with Super Gas-Barrier”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 10-80981, 1998; Jap. Pat. 2888515.
森谷東平、本石靖夫、福留進「ガスバリヤー性に優れた多層包装体」 特開平 10-80981, 1998; 特許 2888515
112 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "A Method for Compatibilization", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 9-104784, 1997; Jap. Pat. 2653774.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「相溶化方法」特開平 9-104784, 1997; 特許 2653774
111 Itamura, S., Moritani, T., Sato, T. and Negi, T., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 8-311254, 1991 ; Jap. Pat. 2787024.
板村純生、森谷東平、佐藤敏昭、祢宜太一「樹脂組成物および成形物の製法」 特開平8-311254, 1991;特許 2787024
110 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 8-253638, 1996; Jap. Pat. 2604572.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「樹脂組成物」 特開平 8-253638, 1996; 特許 2604572.
109 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 8-253660, 1996; Jap. Pat. 2667969.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「樹脂組成物」 特開平 8-253660, 1996; 特許 2667969.
108 Jester, R. D., Penoyer, J. A., Roth, D. D., Frank, D., Onodera, M., Tsudaka, T., Sato, T. and Moritani, T., "Process for Treating Liquid Crystal Polymer Film", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 8-90570, 1996; US Pat. 5503202, 1996   Link
107 Jester, R. D., Penoyer, J. A., Roth, D. D., Frank, D., Onodera, M., Tsudaka, T., Sato, T. and Moritani, T., "Process for Treating Liquid Crystal Polymer Film", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 8-90570, 1996; US Pat. 5529740, 1994
Jester, R. D.; Penoyer, J. A.; Roth, D. D.; Frank, D.; 小野寺稔、佐藤敏昭、津高健一、森谷東平. 「液晶ポリマーフィルムの処理方法」 特開平 8-90570, 1996; "Process for Treating Liquid Crystal Polymer Film", US Pat. 5529740, 1996.
106 Sugimoto, E., Saimen, K., Tenkumo, K. and Moritani, T., "Electric Motor for Compressing Refrigerant", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 8-284829, 1996.
杉本栄一、西面憲二、天雲一裕、森谷東平「冷媒圧縮機用電動機」 特開平8-284829, 1996.
105 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., " In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 7-252382, 1995; Jap. Pat. 2139378.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「成型物の製法」 特開平 7-252382, 1995;特許. 2139378.
104 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 7-216161, 1995; Jap. Pat. 2588688.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎 「樹脂組成物」 特開平 7-216161, 1995; 特許. 2588688
103 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Multi-Layer Structure using Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 7-171933, 1995; Jap. Pat. 2534463.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎 「多層構造体の製法」 特開平 7-171933, 1995; 特許. 2534463
102 Moritani, T., "Piezoelectric Vibrator using Liquid Crystal Polymer as Container", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 7-162258, 1995.
森谷東平「圧電振動子」 特開平 7-162258, 1995
101 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 6-202038, 1994; Jap. Pat. 2555266.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「樹脂組成物」 特開平 6-202038, 1994; 特許 2555266
100 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Multi-Layer Container using Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 6-87195, 1994; Jap. Pat. 2139395.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「多層構造体」 特開平 6-87195, 1994;特許 2139395
99 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 7-3081, 1995; Jap. Pat. 2138082.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「樹脂組成物」 特開平 7-3081, 1995; 特許 2138082
98 Moritani, T., " Multi-layer Container using Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) including Drying Agent ", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 6-23923; Jap. Pat. 2135748.
森谷東平「多層成形体」 特開平 6-23923; 1994,特許. 2135748
97 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 5-194805, 1993; Jap. Pat. 1925182.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「樹脂組成物」 特開平 5-194805, 1993; 特許 1925182
96 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 3-149239, 1991; Jap. Pat. 1897483.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「組成物」 特開平 3-149239, 1991; 特許 1897483
95 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 3-149238, 1991.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「樹脂組成物」 特開平 3-149238, 1991
94 Itamura, S. and Moritani, "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for Flexible Packaging", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 3-192140, 1991; Jap. Pat. 2836943; US Pat. 5082743, 1992; EP425820; AU630743; NZ235390.
板村純生、森谷東平「樹脂組成物および多層構造体」 特開平 3-192140, 1991;特許 2836943
93 Itamura, S., Moritani, T., Sato, T. and Negi, T., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 3-215032, 1991; Jap. Pat. 2604485; US Pat. 5389709, 1995.
板村純生、森谷東平、佐藤敏昭、祢宜太一「多層構造体」 特開平 3-215032, 1991; 特許 2604485
92 Itamura, S., Moritani, T., Sato, T. and Negi, T., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 3-72539, 1991; Jap. Pat. 2593952; US Pat. 5094921, 1992; EP400604.
板村純生、森谷東平、佐藤敏昭、祢宜太一「樹脂組成物」 特開平 3-72539, 1991;特許 2593952
91 Itamura, S., Moritani, T., Sato, T. and Negi, T., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 3-72542, 1991; Jap. Pat. 2604484.
板村純生、森谷東平、佐藤敏昭、祢宜太一「樹脂組成物およびそれを用いた多層構造体」 特開平 3-72542, 1991; 特許 2604484
90 Itamura, S., Moritani, T., Sato, T. and Negi, T., "Composition with High Gas Barrier Property", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 3-72541, 1991; Jap. Pat. 2604483; US Pat. 5492953, 1996; EP401666.
板村純生、森谷東平、佐藤敏昭、祢宜太一「樹脂組成物および多層構造体」 特開平 3-72541, 1991;特許 2604483
89 Yamamoto, Y., Moritani, T. and Kawasaki, A., "Multi-Layer Structure and Colostomy Bag Therefrom", Jap. Pat. 2721568; US Pat. 5582820, 1996; EP366802.
山本欣生、森谷東平、川崎昭彦「人工肛門バッグ用多層構造体および人工肛門バッグ」 特許 2721568; ; US Pat. 5582820, 1996.
88 Oda, H. and Moritani, T.,  "Retortable Multi-Layer Container", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 3-76644, 1991; Jap. Pat. 2801277.
小田英晶、森谷東平「多層包装体」 特開平 3-76644, 1991;特許 2801277
87 Yamamoto, Y. and Moritani, T.,  "Polymer Composition for Artificial Anus Bag", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 2-255752, 1990; Jap. Pat. 2795672.
山本欣生、森谷東平「人工肛門バッグ用組成物」 特開平 2-255752, 1990;特許 2795672
86 Itamura. S., Moritani, T. and Hirofuji, S., "Agricultural Film", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 2-255335, 1990; Jap. Pat. 2778980.
板村純生、森谷東平、広藤悧「農業用フィルム」 特開平 2-255335, 1990;特許 2778980.
小田英晶、森谷東平、広藤悧、奥野健次「レトルト用多層容器」 特開平 1-308627, 1989;特許 2744278
85 Oda, H., Moritani, T., Hirofuji, S. and Okuno, K., " Multi-Layer Container using the Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol), Mica and Drying Agent ", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-308627, 1989; Jap. Pat. 2744278.
小田英晶、森谷東平、広藤悧、奥野健次「レトルト用多層容器」 特開平 1-308627, 1989;特許 2744278
84 Moritani, T. Motoishi, Y., Fukutome, S. and Oda, H., “Multi-Layer Retort Container”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-308626, 1989; Jap. Pat. 2132873; US Pat. 5069946, 1991; AU616730; DK171446.
森谷東平、本石靖夫、福留進、小田英晶「ガスバリヤー性に優れた多層包装体」 特開平 1-308626, 1989;特許 2132873
83 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Cationic Aqueous Dispersion”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-252652, 1989.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「水性分散液」 特開平 1-252652, 1989
82 Akazawa, T., Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Emulsifier comprising of Modified Poly(vinyl alcohol) with Sulfonate and Hydrophobic groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-254238, 1989; Jap. Pat. 1695792.
赤沢敏幸、森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「乳化分散剤」 特開平 1-254238, 1989;特許 1695792
81 Kawasaki, A. and Moritani, T., "Resin Composition for Flexible Gas-Barrier Film" Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-279949, 1988; Jap. Pat. 2131587; US Pat. 5034281, 1991; EP326827; CA1333832; AU617400.
川崎昭彦、森谷東平「樹脂組成物および積層体」 特開平 1-279949, 1988;特許 2131587
80 Oda, H., Moritani, T., Hirofuji, S. and Okuno, K., " A Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol), Mica and Drying Agent ", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 2-178344, 1990; Jap. Pat. 2703298; US Pat. 4960639, 1990; EP331072; CA1332254; DK167963.
小田英晶、森谷東平、広藤悧、奥野健次「樹脂組成物」 特開平 2-178344, 1990;特許 2703298
79 Moritani, T. Motoishi, Y., Fukutome, S. and Oda, H., “Multi-Layer Retort Container”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-253442, 1989; Jap. Pat. 2130925; US Pat. 4999229, 1991; EP322891; CA1335424; AU616452.
森谷東平.本石靖夫、福留進、小田英晶「ガスバリヤー性多層包装体」 特開平 1-253442, 1989;特許 2130925
78 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Aqueous Suspension”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-56135, 1989.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「水性分散液」 特開平 1-56135, 1989.
77 Moritani, T., " Container with Easy-peeling Lid", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 2-14141, 1990; Jap. Pat. 2599766.
森谷東平「ガスバリヤー性多層包装体」 特開平 2-14141, 1990;特許 2599766
76 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Aqueous Polymer Suspension”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-103630, 1989.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「水性分散液」 特開平 1-103630, 1989
75 Kawasaki, A. and Moritani, T., "Artificial Anus Bug" Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-70065, 1988; Jap. Pat. 2635333.
川崎昭彦、森谷東平「人工肛門バッグ用フィルム」 特開平 1-70065, 1988;特許 2635333.
74 Moritani, T., Oda, H., Sato, T., Negi, T. and Matsumura, K., " Multi-layer Container using Poly(ethylene glycol) and Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) including Drying Agent ", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 1-27941, 1988; Jap. Pat. 2555087; US Pat. 4929482, 1990; EP306675.
森谷東平、小田英晶、佐藤敏昭、祢宜太一、松村恵史「耐熱容器」 特開平 1-27941, 1988;特許 2555087; "Multi-layer Container using Poly(ethylene glycol) and Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) including Drying Agent ", US Pat. 4929482, 1990; EP306675
73 Moritani, T., " Multi-layer Container Made by Co-Extrusion Method using Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) including Drying Agent ", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 63-302018, 1988; Jap. Pat. 2135143.
森谷東平「共押出多層容器の製造法」 特開昭 63-302018, 1988;特許 2135143.
72 Moritani, T., " Multi-layer Container Made by Co-Injection Method using Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) including Drying Agent ", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 63-302017, 1988; Jap. Pat. 2020846.
森谷東平「多層容器の製造法」 特開昭 63-302017, 1988;特許 2020846
71 Moritani, T., " A Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) and Drying Agent", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 63-113062, 1988; Jap. Pat. 1926132; US Pat. 4792484, 1988; EP209451; CA1292219; AU597656.
森谷東平「組成物およびその製造法」 特開昭 63-113062, 1988; 特許 1926132; "A Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) and Drying Agent", US Pat. 4792484, 1988; EP209451; CA1292219; AU597656
70 Moritani, T., Kawai, S., Shimamura, K. and Sato, T., "Injection Stretch Blow Container", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 62-189135, 1987; Jap. Pat. 1768301; US Pat. 4774144, 1988; US Pat. 4774114, 1988.; EP218245; CA1265457; AU594380.
森谷東平、川井収治、島村邦彦、佐藤敏昭「射出延伸ブロー成形容器」 特開昭 62-189135, 1987; 特許 1768301; "Injection Stretch Blow Container", US Pat. 4774144, 1988; EP218245; CA1265457; AU594380
69 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Internal Reinforcing Agents for Paper”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 62-177297, 1987; Jap. Pat. 1593004.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「紙力増強剤」 特開昭 62-177297, 1987; 特許 1593004
68 Moritani, T., Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J., Tanaka, Y. and Shiraishi, M., “Cationic Polymer Emulsion”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 61-159401, 1986.
森谷東平、守谷健、山内淳之介、田中偉業、白石誠「カチオン性重合体エマルジョン」 特開昭 61-159401, 1986
67 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 60-238345, 1985; Jap. Pat. 1800924.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「樹脂組成物」 特開昭 60-238345, 1985; 特許 1800924
66 Moritani, T. and Ikari, K., "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 60-199040, 1985; Jap. Pat. 1856062; US Pat. 4613644, 1986; EP165383.
森谷東平、猪狩恭一郎「樹脂組成物」 特開昭 60-199040, 1985; 特許 1856062; "Resinous Composition of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) for In-House Recycling", US Pat. 4613644, 1986; EP165383
65 Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Paper Sizing Agents”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 59-204999, 1984; Jap. Pat. 1413449.
森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「紙用表面サイジング剤」 特開昭 59-204999, 1984; 特許. 1413449
64 Moritani, T., “Photo-Sensitive Polymer Compositions”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 59-136731, 1984.
森谷東平「感光性樹脂組成物」 特開昭 59-136731, 1984.
63 Yamauchi, J., Tokura, M., Minamoto, Y. and Moritani, T., “Materials Making Colored Patterns”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 59-111639, 1984; Jap. Pat. 1602697.
山内淳之介、戸倉正夫、源義三、森谷東平「着色画像形成用材料」 特開昭 59-111639, 1984; 特許 1602697
62 Yamauchi, J., Tokura, M., Minamoto, Y. and Moritani, T., “Materials Making Colored Patterns”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 59-107345, 1984.
山内淳之介、戸倉正夫、源義三、森谷東平「着色画像形成用材料」 特開昭 59-107345, 1984
61 Moritani T. and Yamauchi, J., “Thermo-Sensitive Recording Materials”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-191194, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1577805.
森谷東平、山内淳之介「感熱記録材料」 特開昭 58-191194, 1983; 特許 1577805
60 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Lithoprinting”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-162390, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1630102.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「平版印刷原版」 特開昭 58-162390, 1983; 特許 1630102
59 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Synthetic Fibers from Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Self-Crosslinkable Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-144110, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1503020.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「ポリビニルアルコール系合成繊維の製造方法」 特開昭 58-144110, 1983; 特許 1503020
58 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Photo-Sensitive Compositions”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-137833, 1983.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「感光性の組成物」特開昭 58-137833, 1983.
57 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Photo-Sensitive Compositions”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-137834, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1575368.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「感光性組成物」 特開昭 58-137834, 1983; 特許 1575368
56 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Treatment Agents for Textile Fibers”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-132175, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1493544.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「繊維処理剤」 特開昭 58-132175, 1983; 特許 1493544
55 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Paper Sizing Agents”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-126397, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1584756.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「紙用表面サイジング剤」 特開昭 58-126397, 1983;特許 1584756
54 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Production Methods for Amino Resins”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-111850, 1983.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「アミノ系樹脂組成物の製造法」 特開昭 58-111850, 1983
53 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Aqueous Polymer Suspension Giving Water-Resistance Materials ”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-112036, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1568136.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「耐水性に優れた水性樹脂分散液」 特開昭 58-112036, 1983; 特許 1568136
52 Moritani, T., Ono, I., Yamauchi, J. Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Compositions for Paper Coating”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-115194, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1555958.
森谷東平、小野功、山内淳之介、梶谷浩一、白石誠「紙用顔料コーティング組成物」 特開昭 58-115194, 1983; 特許 1555958
51 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Production Methods of Polymers with Water-Resistance”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-80305, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1546963.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「耐水性の優れた樹脂の製造方法」 特開昭 58-80305, 1983; 特許 1546963
50 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Production Methods of Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Self-Crosslinkable Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-80304, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1546962.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「架橋性基を有するビニルアルコール系共重合体の製造方法」 特開昭 58-80304, 1983;特許 1546962
49 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Self-Crosslinkable Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-76403, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1546961.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「架橋性基を有するビニルアルコール系共重合体」 特開昭 58-76403, 1983;特許 1546961
48 Tanaka, Y., Miyake, A., Yamauchi, J., Moritani and Shiraishi, M., “Aqueous Suspension Improved in Anti-Freezing”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-70828, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1568132.
田中偉業、三宅明晴、山内淳之介、森谷東平、白石誠「耐凍結性を改良した水性組成物」 特開昭 58-70828, 1983; 特許 1568132
47 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Additives for Cements”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-69764, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1600053.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「セメント用混和剤」 特開昭 58-69764, 1983;特許 1600053
46 Yamauchi, J., Moritani, T. and Shiraishi, M., “Photo-Sensitive Compositions”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-21736, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1568124.
山内淳之介、森谷東平、白石誠「感光性組成物」 特開昭 58-21736, 1983; 特許 1568124
45 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Aqueous Suspension of Polymers”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-17827, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1580508.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「水性分散液」 特開昭 58-17827, 1983; 特許 1580508
44 Akazawa, T., Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Adhesives comprising Formaldehyde Resins”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-7472, 1983.
赤沢敏幸、森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「ホルマリン系縮合樹脂接着剤」 特開昭 58-7472, 1983
43 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Aqueous Suspension of Polymers”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-5361, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1633828.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「水性高分子分散液」 特開昭 58-5361, 1983; 特許 1633828
42 Akazawa, T., Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Paper Processing Agents”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-4896, 1983.
赤沢敏幸、森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「紙加工材」 特開昭 58-4896, 1983.
41 Akazawa, T., Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Methods for Emulsion Polymerization of Vinyl Esters”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-1702, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1572504.
赤沢敏幸、森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「ビニルエステル類の乳化重合方法」 特開昭 58-1702, 1983; 特許 1572504
40 Akazawa, T., Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Emulsifiers”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 58-234, 1983; Jap. Pat. 1580505.
赤沢敏幸、森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「乳化分散剤」 特開昭 58-234, 1983; 特許 1580505
39 Yamauchi, J., Moritani, T., Aoyama, A., Akazawa, T. and Kajitani, K., “Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Sulfonate and Hydrophobic Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-209901, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1417332.
山内淳之介、森谷東平、青山明正、赤沢敏幸、梶谷浩一、白石誠「変性ポリビニルアルコール系重合体の製造方法」 特開昭 57-209901, 1982; 特許 1417332
38 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Photo-Sensitive Compositions”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-182733, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1532395.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「感光性組成物」 特開昭 57-182733, 1982; 特許 1532395
37 Aoyama, A., Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Sizes for Textile Fibers”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-183474, 1982.
青山明正、森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「繊維糊剤」 特開昭 57-183474, 1982
36 Tanaka, S., Tanaka, Y., Miyake, A., Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J., “Compositions of Cement Containing Cationic Emulsion”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-166351, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1600030.
田中偉業、田中卓、三宅明晴、森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「セメント組成物」 特開昭 57-166351, 1982; 特許 1600030
35 Yamauchi, J., Moritani, T., Miyake, A. Tanaka, S. and Tanaka, Y., “Treatment Agents for Glass Fiber using Cationic Emulsion”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-160941, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1580501.
山内淳之介、森谷東平、三宅明晴、田中卓、田中偉業、白石誠「ガラス繊維用処理剤」 特開昭 57-160941, 1982; 特許.\ 1580501
34 Maruyama, H., Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Stabilizer Agents for Suspension Polymerization”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-119902, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1600021.
丸山均、森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「ビニル系化合物の懸濁重合用分散安定剤」 特開昭 57-119902, 1982; 特許 1600021
33 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “A Production Method for Micro-Capsule”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-116010, 1982.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「マイクロカプセルの製造方法」 特開昭 57-116010, 1982
32 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Cosmetics”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-116006, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1608446.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「化粧料用添加剤」 特開昭 57-116006, 1982; 特許 1608446
31 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Treatment Agents for Glass Fiber”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-118049, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1580495.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「ガラス繊維用処理剤」 特開昭 57-118049, 1982; 特許 1580495.
30 Moritani, T., Ono, I., Yamauchi, J. Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Compositions for Paper Coating”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-117695, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1533151.
森谷東平、小野功、山内淳之介、梶谷浩一、白石誠「紙用顔料コーティング組成物」 特開昭 57-117695, 1982; 特許 1533151.
29 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Additives for Plating Bath”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-114685, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1514089.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「メッキ浴用光沢添加剤」 特開昭 57-114685, 1982; 特許 1514089.
28 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Sizes for Textile Products”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-117677, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1546947.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「繊維製品用糊付け剤」 特開昭 57-117677, 1982; 特許 1546947.
27 Moritani, T., Moritani, K., Yamauchi, J., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Sizes for Textile Fibers”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-82577, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1459213.
森谷東平、森谷剛治、山内淳之介、梶谷浩一、白石誠「経糸用糊剤」 特開昭 57-82577, 1982; 特許 1459213
26 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Stabilizer Agents for Suspension Polymerization”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-80401, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1561447.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「懸濁重合方法」 特開昭 57-80401, 1982; 特許 1561447
25 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “A Resin for Interlayer Films of Laminated Safety Glass”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-77051, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1589861.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「安全合わせガラス中間膜用樹脂」 特開昭 57-77051, 1982;特許 1589861.
24 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “A New Amino Resin”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-74322, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1496161.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「アミノ系樹脂組成物の製造法」 特開昭 57-74322, 1982;特許 1496161.
23 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “A Protection Method for Surface Soil”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 57-59983, 1982; Jap. Pat. 1596588.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「表層防護方法」 特開昭 57-59983, 1982;特許 1596588.
22 Akazawa, T., Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Sulfonate and Hydrophobic Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-139510, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1425977.
赤沢敏幸、森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「撥水性 共重合体の製造方法」 特開昭 56-139510, 1981; 特許 1425977.
21 Moritani, T., Okazaki, M., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Fixed Enzyme using Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Vinyl Amine Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-113292, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1413347.
森谷東平、岡崎正樹、山内淳之介、白石誠「固定化酵素およびその製造方法」 特開昭 56-113292, 1981;特許 1413347.
20 Moritani, T., Okazaki, M., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Fixed Enzyme using Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Vinyl Imidazole Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-113291, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1413346.
森谷東平、岡崎正樹、山内淳之介、白石誠「固定化酵素およびその製造方法」 特開昭 56-113291, 1981; 特許 1413346.
19 Moritani, T., Okazaki, M., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Fixed Enzyme using Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Cationic Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-113290, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1413345.
森谷東平、岡崎正樹、山内淳之介、白石誠「固定化酵素およびその製造方法」 特開昭 56-113290, 1981; 特許 1413345.
18 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Paper Sizing Agents”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-112595, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1577791.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「紙用表面サイジング剤」 特開昭 56-112595, 1981; 特許 1577791.
17 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Vinyl Imidazole Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-99204, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1407345.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「変性ポリビニルアルコールの製造方法」 特開昭 56-99204, 1981; 特許 1407345.
16 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J., Shiraishi, M., Moritani, T. and Tanaka, Y., “Cationic Polymer Emulsion”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-88401, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1561431.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠、守谷健、田中偉業「カチオン性重合体エマルジョンの製造方法」 特開昭 56-88401, 1981; 特許 1561431.
15 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Cationic Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-88413, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1425967.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「新規な共重合体の製造方法」 特開昭 56-88413, 1981; 特許 1425967.
14 Moritani, T., Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Tanaka, Y., “Sizes for Textile Products”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-91074, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1393709.
守谷健、森谷東平、山内淳之介、田中偉業「繊維製品用糊付け剤」 特開昭 56-91074, 1981; 特許 1393709.
13 Moritani, T., Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J., Tanaka, Y. and Shiraishi, M., “Cationic Polymer Emulsion”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open. 56-79102, 1981.
森谷東平、守谷健、山内淳之介、田中偉業、白石誠「カチオン性重合体エマルジョン」 特開昭 56-79102, 1981.
12 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Paper Coating Agents”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-73199, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1425963.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「紙用コーティング剤」 特開昭 56-73199, 1981; 特許 1425963.
11 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Sulfonate Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open. 56-72006, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1425962.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「新規なポリビニルアルコール系共重合体の製造方法」 特開昭.56-72006, 1981; 特許 1425962.
10 Moritani, T., Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J., Tanaka, Y. and Shiraishi, M., “Cationic Polymer Emulsion”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-47402, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1510781; US Pat. 4308189, 1980; US Pat. 4308189, 1978; GB2061979; DE3036439; FR8020744.
森谷東平、守谷健、山内淳之介、田中偉業、白石誠「カチオン性重合体エマルジョン」特開昭 56-47402, 1981; 特許 1510781;  “Cationic Polymer Emulsion”, US Pat. 4308189, 1978; GB2061979; DE3036439; FR8020744.
9 Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Paper Sizing Method”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 56-20698, 1981; Jap. Pat. 1433236.
森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「紙の表面サイズ法」 特開昭 56-20698, 1981; 特許 1433236.
8 Moritani, T., Yamauchi, J. and Shiraishi, M., “Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Cationic Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open. 56-14504, 1981; Jap. Pat.. 1410962; US Pat. 4311805, 1980; GB2056997; DE3026356; FR8015562.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「カチオン性の水溶性共重合体の製造方法」 特開昭. 56-14504, 1981; 特許 1410962; “Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Cationic Groups”, US Pat. 4311805, 1980; GB2056997; DE3026356; FR8015562.
7 Ono, I., Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, “Composition for Paper Coating”, M., Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 54-116407, 1979; Jap. Pat. 1431893.
小野功、森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「紙用顔料塗被組成物および紙の表面処理方法」 特開昭 54-116407, 1979; 特許 1431893.
6 Shichijo, S., Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “A Method for Continuously Making Aqueous Solution of Poly(vinyl alcohol)”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 54-77659, 1979; Jap. Pat. 1333070.
七条昭二、森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「ポリビニルアルコール水溶液の連続的製造法」 特開昭 54-77659, 1979; 特許 1333070.
5 Nakayasu, J., Igi, K., Kajitani, K., Moritani, T., “Hot-Melt Adhesives for Metal”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 54-28343, 1979; Jap. Pat. 1295770.
中保治郎、伊木慶四郎、梶谷浩一、森谷東平「ポリ酢酸ビニル系金属用ホットメルト接着剤」 特開昭 54-28343, 1979; 特許 1295770.
4 Moritani, T., Inoue, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Adhesives comprising of Amino Resin”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 54-21495, 1979; Jap. Pat. 1219377.
森谷東平、井上大成、 梶谷浩一、白石誠「アミノ系樹脂接着剤の製造法」 特開昭 54-21495, 1979; 特許 1219377
3 Kajitani, K., Moritani, T., Moritani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Sizes for Textile Fibers”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 53-111189, 1978; Jap. Pat. 1350031; US Pat. 4172930, 1978.
梶谷浩一、森谷東平、 森谷剛治、白石誠.「繊維用糊剤」 特開昭 53-111189, 1978; 特許 1350031; “Sizes for Textile Fibers”, US Pat. 4172930, 1978.
2 Moritani, T., Kajitani, K. and Shiraishi, M., “Vinyl Alcohol Copolymers Containing Carboxylic Groups”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 53-91995, 1978; Jap. Pat. 1354793.
森谷東平、梶谷浩一、白石誠「カルボキシル基変性ポリビニルアルコールの製造法」 特開昭 53-91995, 1978; 特許 1354793.
1 Moritani, T. and Ono, I., “A Method of Surface Sizing on Paper”, Jap. Pat. Appl. Laid-Open 52-88606, 1977.
森谷東平、小野功「紙の表面サイジング方法」 特開昭 52-88606, 1977.


V.  Oral Presentations   講 演
25 夏目雄平、森谷東平「第59回フラーレン、ナノチューブ、グラーフェン総合シンポジウム(福岡), IP-20, 2020.9.16    
24 Moritani, Tohei “Networks of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Chemically Cross-Linked in the Solid State. I. Crosslinking Density, Sol Fraction, Gel Point and Size of Sol Molecules”, ACS Spring Meeting, Polymer Preprints 2003, 44(1), 66-67.   Link
23 Moritani, Tohei; Yoon, Kyunghwan; Rafailovich, Miriam and Chu, Benjamin, “DNA Capillary Electrophoresis using Poly(vinyl alcohol). I. Inner Capillary Coating”, ACS Spring Meeting (New Orleans), Polymer Preprints 2003, 44(1), 1179-1180.    
22 Moritani, Tohei, Alvarez-Lorenzo, Carmen; Tanaka, Toyoichi "Proten-Like Gels - Utilization of a novel functional monomer, "Imprinter"", The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Research Group on Polymer Gels 11th Conference, Tokyo, 1.27,2000
森谷東平、 Alvarez-Lorenzo, Carmen.、田中豊一「タンパク質類似ゲル – 新規機能性モノマー「インプリンター」の利用」第11回高分子学会高分子ゲル研究会(東京)2000.1.27,  
21 Moritani, Tohei "Analysis of the Ideal Gels Formed from Self-Crosslinkable Poly(vinyl alcohol)" The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Post Gels Conference, Yokohama, 10.30,1999
森谷東平「自己架橋性PVAから生成した理想ゲルの解析」 SPSJ Post Gels Conference (横浜), 1999.10.30

Moritani, Tohei "Analysis of the Polymer Networkls Formed from Self-Crosslinkable Poly(vinyl alcohol)" International Polymer Conference, Yokohama, 10.26-29,1999
森谷東平「自己架橋性PVAから生成した高分子網目の解析」 IPC 99 (横浜), 1999.10.26-29

19 Moritani, Tohei "Self-Crosslinkable Poly(vinyl alcohol). (2) Formation of Ideal Gels and their Swelling Degree" 48th Symposium on Macromolecules, Japan, Niigata, 10.6-8,1999; Polymer Preprents, Japan, 1999, 48(10), 2639-2640.
森谷東平.「自己架橋性PVAL (2). 「理想ゲル」の生成と膨潤度」48回高分子討論会(新潟)1999.10.6-8, Polymer Preprents, Japan, 1999, 48(10), 2639-2640.
18 Moritani, Tohei “Functional Modifications of Poly(vinyl alchohol) by copolymerization. Novel Water-Soluble Polymers and Challenge to Smart Gels2nd International Symposium on HiTech Polymers and Polymer Complexes(HPPC-II) (Zxhengzhou, China), 1999.6.30, 62-63.    
17 Moritani, Tohei "Systhesis of Self-Crosslinkable Poly(vinyl alcohol) and the Uniformity of Crosslinked Gel Network Films". 48th Annual Meeting of The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, III-5-05, Kyoto, 5.27-29,1999.
森谷東平.「自己架橋性PVALの合成と架橋生成したゲル網目フィルムの均一性」 第48回 高分子年次大会(京都)III-5-05 (1999.5.27-29)

Moritani, Tohei "Systhesis of Self-Crosslinkable Poly(vinyl alcohol) and theFormation of Crosslinks". 47th Annual Meeting of The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Nagoya, 1999.
森谷東平.「自己架橋性PVALの合成と架橋生成」第47回 高分子年次大会(名古屋)1998


Wada, Ryo; Oda, Hidemasa; Moritani, Tohei "The Computer Simulation Program Calculating the Packaging Performance for Retort Containers using EVOH Mluti-Layer Structures.", The Sciety of Pacjkaging Science and Technology, Japan, 5th Annual Meeting, 7.4, 1996.
和田亮、小田英晶、森谷東平. 「EVOH多層包材のレトルト適性に関する酸素透過度シミュレーションプログラム」,日本包装学会第5回年次大会(96.7.4

14 Moritani, T.; Motoishi, Y. “Parameters Affecting Performance of EVOH Composite Containers in Retort Application”, CoExtrusion Conferene 87 (Princeton, NJ), 1987, 321-352.    
13 Itagaki, Sumio; Moritani, Tohei "Recycling of EVOH-Based Composite Materials", Symposium on Macromolecules, Japan, Fukui,1986.
森谷東平、板谷純生「EVOH系共押出多層包装材のリサイクリング」高分子討論会( 1986)
12 Moritani, Tohei, Ikari, Kyoichiro "Recycling of EVOH-Based Composite Materials", International Coextrusion Conference, Princeton (Schotland Business Research, Inc.), NJ, 1984, 289-319    
11 Moritani, Tohei; Okaya, Takuji “ Self-Crosslinkable Poly(vinyl alcohol)s”, Poval Committee 83, 81-90, Kyoto, 12.13, 1983.
森谷東平、岡谷卓司「自己架橋性ポリビニルアルコール」ポバール会(京都)1983.12.3. , 83, 81-90.
10 Moritani, Tohei; Yamauchi, Junnosuke“ Cationic Poly(vinyl alcohol)s”, Poval Committee, Kyoto, 1981.
森谷東平、山内淳之介、白石誠「カチオン性ポリビニルアルコール」ポバール会(京都) 1981.
9 Moritani, Tohei; Fujiwara, Yuzuru “13C- and 1H-NMR Investigations of Sequence Distribution in Vinyl Alcohol-Vinyl Acetate Copolymers”, Symposium on Macromolecules, Japan, 1973.
森谷東平、藤原謙「“13C- および 1H-NMR によるビニルアルコールー酢酸ビニル共重合体の連鎖分布解析」高分子討論会1973

Moritani, Tohei "Tacticity and Conoarmation of Vinyl Polymers." (Invitation Presentation) 22nd Annual Meeting of The Society of Polymer Science, Japan,Kyoto,29BILp, 5.29, 1973.
森谷東平 “ビニル系高分子の立体規則性と立体配座」第22回高分子年次大会1973.5.29, 29BILp.(招待講演)

7 Moritani, Tohei; Fujiwara, Yuzuru “Conformation Analysis of Hydroxyl Grpoups in Poly(Vinyl Alcohol)”, Symposium on Macromolecules, Japan, 29B02, 1973.5.29,
森谷東平、藤原謙「ポリビニルアルコールの水酸基の立体配座」第22回高分子年次大会 1973.5.29, 29B02.
6 Moritani, Tohei; Fujiwara, Yuzuru “NMR Conformational Analysis of Chain Molecules using the Local Interaction Model. 2,4-Disubstituted Pentanes”,11th NMR Conference, 1B11, 10.16, 1972.
森谷東平、藤原謙. “局所相互作用モデルを用いた鎖状分子のNMR コンフォーメンション解析。2,4−2置換ペンタン」第11回NMR討論会, 1972. 10.16, 1B11.
5 Moritani, Tohei; Fujiwara, Yuzuru “Tacticity of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Hydroxyl Protons”, 21st Symposium on Macromolecules, Japan, 23C07,1972.
森谷東平、藤原謙「水酸基のNMRによるポリビニルアルコールの立体規則性解析」第21回高分子討論会1972, 23C07

Moritani, Tohei; Fujiwara, Yuzuru “Tacticity of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Hydroxyl Protons”, Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan, 1972.
森谷東平、藤原謙「水酸基のNMRによるポリビニルアルコールの立体規則性解析」第26回化学会年次大会 1972

3 Moritani, Tohei; Fujiwara, Yuzuru “Tacticity of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Hydroxyl Protons”,Poval Committee 60, 85-101, Kyoto, 6.24, 1972.
森谷東平、藤原謙「水酸基のNMRによるポリビニルアルコールの立体規則性解析」 第60回ポバール会記録, 85-101 (72.6.24)
2 Moritani, Tohei; Kuchitsu, Kozo; Morino, Yonezo "Molecular Structure of Phosphoryl Fluoride, Phosphoryl Chloride and Thiophosphoryl Chloride Studied by Gas Electron Diffraction", Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan, 1969.
森谷東平.; 朽津耕三、森野米三「電子線回折による三フッ化フォスフォリル、三塩化フォスフォリルおよび三塩化チオフォスフォリルの分子構造決定」1969, 日本化学会年次大会
1 Morino, Yonezo; Kuchitsu, Kozo; Moritani, Tohei "Molecular Structure of Phosphorus Trifluoride Studied by Gas Electron Diffraction", Symposium of Molecular Structures, 1969.
森野米三、朽津耕三.; 森谷東平. 「電子線回折による三フッ化燐の分子構造決定」1969, 分子構造討論会